Bike Polo! 

This Sunday, July 22nd 2:00 pm at Mystery Ranch front parking lot. 1750 Evergreen Drive off of Griffin.

(Bonus:  John and Chelsea will be in town and playing)

Morganzo 55 Wrap-up

The task: ride 55 miles of unforgiving gravel in the first ever Morganzo 55: Double Nickels on the Grime.

click for full map

The players: a ragtag collection of has-beens and never wases...
 (l to r: Jon W, Amy C, Matthew T, Lincoln J, Sam H, your author)

The purpose: the endless pursuit of beauty by bicycle

The challenge: impassible roads, unquenchable thirst

 The reward...

Matthew Thomsen wins the Morganzo Trophy as first overall unsupported badass cyclist. 

Amy Chiuchiolo wins the Hardcore Trophy for killing it in the Morganzo and then riding the Bangtail Divide immediately after. Seriously.

Sam Haraldson wins the Troll Trophy for slaying the hilly Morganzo on only 8 gears. 

Lincoln Jamrog wins the International Trophy for coming all the way from Livingston and building bridges made of gravel. 

Jon Wareham wins the Spirit Award for his positive attitude during multiple mechanicals.

The Minutemen - "This Ain't No Picnic" from  Double Nickels on the Dime

The Minutemen - "Corona" from  Double Nickels on the Dime

Thanks to all the participants and we'll see ya in 2013.

I Normally Ride Bikes...

I normally ride bikes, but when I have to drive a car, I drive my Ford Fiesta (it gets really good mileage) like this...

via Bike Jerks

Morganzo 55: new start time 9am


In response to this crazy heat we've been having, we decided to bump the start time for the Morganzo 55: Double Nickels on the Grime up an hour to 9am.

This Saturday, July 14.

Arrive early to the corner of Dry Creek Rd. & Theisen Rd. north of Belgrade to get your cue sheet and we'll leave promptly at 9.

Some Crazy Shit

Hey jondub... have you seen this one?


TEAM DILLY IS THE MAN TRAILER from Kyle Stark on Vimeo.