Bozeman Bicycle Count - 2012

Hey cyclists,

Get off your lazy asses and help out with a good cause for a few hours on an evening between Sept. 11-13 from 5-7pm.

The Bozeman Area Bike Advisory Board (BABAB) is organizing Bozeman's 2nd annual city-wide bicycle count on Sept 11-13 from 5 to 7 pm. We are using standard methods from the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation project

Over 4700 cyclists were counted at twelve locations in September 2011. We added three new locations for 2012.

We want to invite you to participate in the 2012 count. Minimum commitment time is two hours. The volunteer signup is available at

2012 Bozeman City Bicycle Count

As a member of the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (BABAB), I want to share two upcoming events with you and ask that you pass these along to other City and County leaders/engineers/planners. 

1.        BABAB is organizing Bozeman’s 2nd annual city-wide bicycle count on Sept 11-13 from 5 to 7 pm. We are using standard methods from the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation project .  Over 4700 cyclists were counted at twelve locations in September 2011 (see attached results). We added three new locations for 2012.  We want to invite you to participate in the 2012 count and consider how this data may play into city planning, prioritizing projects and identifying demand.  The volunteer signup is available at  BABAB will discuss the bike count at our September 5th meeting (6-8 pm at the City Hall Commission room) and invite you to provide input. 

 2.      There is a free 90 minute webinar on bikeway design on September 5th.  I want to encourage city/county planners and engineers to participate.  This webinar features Bozeman’s very own Joe Gilpin of Alta Planning and Design, a nationally recognized expert in the bike/pedestrian planning field.   Joe has graciously offered to do a follow up talk in person to expand on the webinar content and discuss local issues and ideas for how this relates to the Bozeman area.  We would have to schedule a date and time for the follow-up. Let me know if WTI can facilitate a follow up meeting. We have a nice meeting space and would be happy to host a meeting. Details below:

This webinar was originally scheduled for July 11, 2012. The date has been changed to September 5, 2012.  NACTO's Urban Bikeway Design Guide has quickly emerged as the preeminent resource for designing safe, protected bikeways in cities across the United States. NACTO will release the second edition of the guide in the fall, with updated graphic profiles for all of its bicycle facilities, a new subsection on bicycle boulevard planning and design, and a survey of materials used for green color in bikeways. The guide continues to build upon the fast-changing state of the practice at the local level; it responds to and accelerates innovative street design and practice around the nation. 

Join APBP and NACTO for a free, 90-minute webinar on the second edition of the Bikeway Design Guide. This training offers a unique opportunity to learn directly from some of the cities that compiled the guide. Attend this webinar to gain a better understanding of the guide's contents, hear how to use and implement these designs, and find out what NACTO envisions as the next steps to adopt and deploy these tools and design guidelines. Presenters: Roger Geller, Bicycle Coordinator, Portland Bureau of Transportation; Joe Gilpin, Senior Planner, Alta Planning + Design; David Vega-Barachowitz, Sustainable Initiatives Program Manager, National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO).  APBP has applied for 1.5 Certification Maintenance credits and will offer a certificate of attendance.

Please share this email with others who may have an interest.
Thank you,

Rebecca Gleason, P.E.
Research Engineer
Mobility and Public Transportation
Western Transportation Institute (WTI)


For your listening pleasure via. Apparently they're playing this Chemical Brothers track at the Olympic Velodrome in London prior to the races. Get yer Tron-cycle on.