Pedaling to Cooke from beau fredlund on Vimeo.
Ned on a Bike with Skis
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Bozeman Fix regular Ned rode his bike from Bozeman down to Cooke City for some backcountry ski action with Beau of Cooke City Chronicles and Beau made a little video for y'all to see.
Bozeman Bike Week 2014
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Bozeman's annual "Bike Week" aka Bike to Work Week aka Bike to School Week aka Bike to the Unemployment Office Week aka I think you get the idea is happening from May 12th to May 16th. The poster above is only a small portion of all the events going on around town. Check out for a more thorough list.
LESS CAR MORE GO: the cargo bike documentary
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I'm a co-director on a Kickstarter film project about hauling stuff on your bike if you're into that sort of thing. Check out Less Car More Go on Kickstarter.