Thanks to everyone who came down tonight to race. Sorry it didn't happen.
While setting up tonight I tripped over a couple of the sensor wires. Unbeknownst to me I broke two soldered connections from the signal wires to one of the circuit boards. After about 45 futile minutes of trying to crimp the wires to the leads I finally gave up.
There is a bright side here. There's a few things that I've been kind of wanting to work on but never did, mainly because everything worked (well enough) and I have no shortage of fires to put out in my everyday life. Now that nothing works, I'll work on improving those few details while I'm fixing the board. Most of the changes I want to make benefit me, but if I'm happier then the racing will be better. And maybe more frequent.
Anyway, thanks for showing up, I hope you got a couple of cheap Sierra Nevadas while talking about bikey shit and I'll see you next week.
P.S. This Saturday night: Ice racing at East Gallatin Rec area. Meet at the track on the pond. Sometime at night, I'll figure it out and post it here. It would be good to have studded tires.
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