First, I've started a new blog dedicated solely to the reporting of trail conditions around here, check it out at I've sent out invites to a few folks and am looking for more people who are willing to take a few minutes to post some words about the condition of wherever they rode. I can't offer you anything in return other than greater knowledge of where to ride. Think of it as giving back to the cycling community. I put my email on the profile page so if you're interested send me a note and I'll set you up.
Second, as some of you may know Wiley and I are working on getting a Goldsprints-like thing happening here. I can't guarantee that it will be easy or that you won't throw up, but I can assure you that it's gonna be fun. Ryan at 317 has given us permission to set it up on Sunday or Monday nights and we have some of the equipment needed. Any equipment donations will be greatly appreciated by all. When it's going I'll post it here first.
Third, there's going to be a bicycle-themed event at the Emerson in February. I'll put up some more details here as soon as I get them.
For now, that's about it. Keep riding, stay strong, and keep the bike scene alive in these frigid winter months!
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