Because Terrorists Consistently Label Their IEDs.

A bike with a "this bike is a pipe bomb" successfully managed to get the Memphis International Airport completely evacuated.

I'd like to provide commentary, but... there's not really anything to say.

Wiki Page.

In the same way we as a nation can save billions of barrels of oil by everyone conserving, just a little bit, we can collectively maintain our status as a great nation if we learn TO FRIKKIN THINK! Please?


Stevo Kinevo said...

I point my finger the other way. That's just asking them to cut your bike into pieces. I mean really...

SingletrackM1nd said...

I'm a little confused. When you say a bike "get" the memphis intl airport, do mean, like, the airport never really felt like anyone knew how, like, emo it was, and the bike finally understood?

Capt. E said...

I dont know about you guys, but I get the Memphis airport. We just jive. Like peas and carrots.

sEthanol said...

Ohhhh, I thought the bike played an awesome practical joke on the airport. As in:
"I totally got you, Memphis Int'l Airport!!! You didn't even see it coming!!!!1!! You should see the look on your Concourse right now!!!"

SingletrackM1nd said...

wait a minute...there's been editedededin' here

Stevo Kinevo said...

OK, so I finally saw the report from the incident and I retract my previous comment. I won't just delete or edit it like DNA would. A bike locked up outside & they still say charges could be filed - dee-you-em-bee, DUMB. I thought someone checked a bike that had the sticker and I was going to say put some tape over it at least, cause you know that would happen.

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