We do more than just ride bikes...

Sometimes, we ride our bikes in order to also skate ski, lest anyone think we have one track minds or anything. We're well rounded people around here.


MT said...

I was trying to dream up some sort of skate ski holster - like what you carry your rifle in on the side of your horse. But that Rubbermaid bike is the answer to everything! Cool as heck!

Mr DNA said...

Oh, the multiples of entendre is killing me! One-track mind? Well-Rounded? Hah!

Mr DNA said...

Oh, and MT: the bucket on the Madsen works exceedingly well for a multitude of large, bulky, and heavy items, like people. It requires a bit of modification for things like skis. I've yet to devise the perfect ski-carrying device for a bicycle.

SingletrackM1nd said...

For another good use for the Madsen see here


samh said...

> large, bulky, and heavy items, like people

Are you calling me fat?

RJ said...

You should put an inflatable boat back there too. :)

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